For new business and other enquiries please contact Owen Mack, Managing Director.

Cobrandit is headquartered in Boston, MA and manages production services around the country and overseas.


Bates College | Purposeful Work Website

Last winter our team travelled to Lewiston, ME to produce a set of videos for Bates College and their Purposeful Work initiative. Over the course of 2 days we captured student and administrator interviews plus supporting b-roll; the edited results populate the new Purposeful Work website, launched in May 2018 and developed by Oxbow Creative.

Our edit team was tasked not only with cutting a set of 9 defined Purposeful Work pieces, but also with identifying content that could be re-purposed for admissions, giving, and internship messaging. The completed project yielded 14 deliverables, stretching the budget to cover not only the new website, but additional content areas as well. All 14 videos are enlivened with motion graphics and title slates produced by Oxbow.

The videos are best seen in the context for which they were designed: the Purposeful Work website.

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